.the devil is in the details.
.hope and sunscreen.

.baudelaire: a self-portrait, by lois boe hyslop and francis e.hyslop, jr..
.talking art over beer.
prof: "The irony about art is that you can produce naively produce art if you don’t know about art history. If you know art history, you may never produce art. History becomes a burden."
me: "Because you realize you can never create anything original. Someone else has already done it."
prof: "Yes. But if you know art history, and yet can still create art, now, you’re somebody worth looking out for."
me: “I don’t like it when artists don’t say directly what they want to say. Why can’t they just say it? Words seem easier.”
prof: “No, words, like images, have multiple meanings. It’s okay to have multiple meanings. And most artists think they are obvious.”
me: "They're not. I think should strip everything down to the bare minimum in art. Get rid of all the fuss. The extra stuff. Like writing."
prof: "That has been tried. Minimalism. 1920s."
me: [pauses] "Okay, I think I prefer to naively produce art."
prof: "[laughs]… Hey, nothing is easy, alright?"
.about today.
I love days like these. A little reading in school. Then an afternoon session of beers/fish and chips with my prof at Brewerkz, where topics such as Marx, money, art, things, people and living creatively popped up. Next up was dinner with yj and zl in a rooftop café at Holland Village, where conversations treaded on the terrain of office colleagues, unthinking behaviors, movies, jokes, anger management and annoying people on MRTs. I also managed to lay my hands on the latest issue of Monocle after that.
Today was so enjoyable, that even realizing you’ve struck me off your friends list on Facebook when I got home doesn’t blemish it, nor hurt me very much.