
there's no present. because once you think/say it, it has already slipped into the past.

there's no everyday. because its very definition presupposes a whole which can never be grasped - we can only perceive it in moments.

taken this way, both the present and the everyday are illusionary concepts we live by, and perhaps, can't live without.

the "me" and the "i" - george herbert mead

the self is made up of "I" and "me". the "I" is the part of the self that emerges out of the process of social interaction. it is that which is revealed when an interaction is taking place. [eg. when you talk to someone, you don't form sentences in your mind before you speak (assuming you're familiar with the language), you just speak. tt's where freudian slips, saying the wrong things, making mistakes in pronouciations etc come in.]

the "me" is the social self. it is the reflexive part of the self which reflects on the actions of "I" and others on hindsight.

considering the spontaneity of the "I", there is always a certain amount of risk and unpredictability involved in social interactions. things can go wrong, takes a different direction than what you intended, or just, become more exciting.


wah lau eh.
so much i need to catch up on/learn.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Interesting! let me copy your notes and read sia Whahhah ;p

huixian said...

can of cos, on a by donation (min $10/page) basis. :P